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Five Scientific Reasons Why So Many Productivity Hacks Fail

FastCompany — 29 November 2016
Stop trying to rewire human behaviors and focus instead on the environments where they play out.


One Brain Scientist’s Secret To Keeping The Peace During The Holidays

FastCompany — 23 November 2016
Your brain primes you to misinterpret what looks like your relatives’ bad behavior and dumb ideas.


How Your Brain Keeps You Believing Crap That Isn’t True

FastCompany — 20 July 2016
Much of what you believe to be true probably isn’t, thanks to a mental shortcut your brain takes without you realizing it.


The One Psychological Principle You Need To Understand Politics In 2016

FastCompany — 20 July 2016
The same force behind Donald Trump, Bernie Sanders, and Brexit should make the Clinton camp think twice about painting Trump as risky.


Your Brain Is On Autopilot More Than You Think–Here’s How To Wake It Up

FastCompany — 29 June 2016
It isn’t that we’re making bad decisions. More often, we aren’t even aware there’s a decision to make.


Trying To Change Someone’s Mind Is Hopeless—Do This Instead

FastCompany — 26 April 2016
Bob explains that persuasion often falls short because our brains are mostly wired for inattention and inertia—not careful, deliberate choice… and offers a better approach based on that insight.


Relax, You Actually Procrastinate Much Less Than You Think

FastCompany — 31 March 2016
It often feels as though we’re a nation of procrastinators. Bob explains why that’s just not the case.


Why You Care More About Losing What You Have Than Getting What You Don’t

FastCompany — 25 February 2016
Evolution has left us with a strong tendency to work harder to avoid losses than to pursue gains. Bob explains how we can put loss aversion to good use.


It’s Late And You Can’t Fall Asleep—Here’s Why And What To Do

FastCompany — 22 February 2016
Bob shows how to use your conscious mind’s built-in bandwidth limitation (50 bits per second) to stop ruminating and get to sleep faster.


Here’s How to Crack the Code on Your Customers’ Behavior

Fortune — 14 February 2016
Bob explains how businesses can use fifty bits design to crack the code on customer behaviors.


Here’s How To Turn Customers’ Good Intentions Into Better Outcomes

Fortune — 13 February 2016
Check out a nice excerpt from “The Power of Fifty Bits: The New Science of Turning Good Intentions into Positive Results”


How To Finally Stop Procrastinating (For Real This Time)

FastCompany — 28 January 2016
Bob explains how two parts of our brains fight with each other when we procrastinate… and how we can get them to play nice.


Consumer Engagement: Holy Grail or Fool’s Gold?

800-CEO-Read — 27 January 2016
Consumer engagement — is it the holy grail or fool’s gold? Bob argues that engagement is an unnatural act but that we shouldn’t lose hope in his ChangeThis manifesto.


How to Turn Good Intentions into Positive Results

American Marketing Association — 25 January 2016
Bob shares two types of strategies for turning good intentions into positive results in this brief article for the AMA Playbook.


Cracking the Behavior Code

Great Leadership — 14 January 2016
Bob offers some key tips for leaders using insights from his research into and work on human behavior.